Providing accessibility services for government and private industry

About 508it



Established in 2015, 508it is a small, minority, and women owned business based in a hub zone in Washington, DC. 508it helps companies and government deliver digital content at an equitable level for people with disabilities as for those without.

Our Team

Heather-Nicole Hawes - Co-Founder

Heather is a web professional and entrepreneur with a passion for making the online world more accessible. She has been working to make government and private sites accessible since 2013 and hopes to pass her passion on to others who can propagate her knowledge and techniques.

Marico Hawes - Co-Founder

Marico is a software engineer, drawn to the field of accessibility by the realization that the existing accessibility compliance and tools are horribly inefficient.  He hopes to use processes and programming to make accessible content more affordable and reachable for all content providers.